GEMS Community has released its new EMF Free Library for all its members

by | Jan 16, 2023

NOXTAK Communications Department – January 16, 2023

GEMS Community, the worldwide community of permanent education on Electrosmog, has recently released a new free space all its members can access for free: a virtual library of EMF scientific documents, named EMF – Free Library in the portal. 

GEMS is an exclusive international community of permanent education on Electrosmog research, case studies, review of products, protocols, assessments, and diagnosis systems. GEMS was founded in October 2022 as an initiative to promote health, well-being, and the improvement of technologies for a better future.

The community started as an open forum where experts in different fields and individuals interested in the electromagnetism topic could interact, share, and verify information on the matter. As the community grew, new spaces and ways to access them were created, opening new possibilities for members of the community to discuss and find more topics of their interest. The EMF – Free Library was then born as a space created to fulfill a common interest GEMS’ members shared: a yearning for real and verified scientific knowledge. 

“We consider GEMS as a treasure of open knowledge we wish to build. Just by belonging to this community, every member will automatically access this space, which is a virtual library of Electrosmog studies, papers, and important communications from respected scientists. We have placed there, without distinction or exclusion of researchers, a series of documents to give the opportunity to all points of view. In the same way, it will be a publication platform for our accredited researchers”, commented Mr. J. Joaquín Machado, NOXTAK’s CEO and GEMS Community founder. 

This new space now gives members the opportunity to read and download hundreds of selected and verified scientific papers and documents about the EMF problem and its repercussions in different areas of interest, such as health, nature, children, links to cancer, and more. Users will also be able to find official statements and communications around the matter from the most respected scientific and governmental organizations worldwide. 

According to GEMS founders and moderators, the purpose of this new knowledge space is to offer members, who could also be students of the GEMS Academy (GEMS’ academic branch), the opportunity to keep educating themselves on EMF from real, objective, and scientifically validated information.  

“There’s a lot of information on the internet about EMF, but much of it is biased, subjective, and poorly verified. The growing concern around the matter has caused many people to believe the first thing they see or read without consulting solid and trustable sources. With our knowledge and experience, we have gone through thousands of papers, and we are constantly selecting and uploading the most interesting, objective, and trustable documents here, so our members can count on a permanent well-grounded information source to make their own fact-checks whenever they run into some new doubts or poor information out there”, Mr. Machado added. 

The space is now open for all members of GEMS and there’s no need for a paid subscription in order to access it. However, there are exclusive spaces, forums, and courses in the community that provide unique information and do require paid subscriptions. 

GEMS is still a young community, but its founders and members have witnessed how’s solidly growing every day with information and initiatives like this. If you want to be part of GEMS and access the EMF – Free Library, visit