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GEMS Community has released its new EMF Free Library for all its members

NOXTAK Communications Department – January 16, 2023 GEMS Community, the worldwide community of permanent education on Electrosmog, has recently released a new free space all its members can access for free: a virtual library of EMF scientific documents, named EMF – Free Library in the portal.  GEMS is an exclusive international community of permanent education […]

SPIRO®: A viable solution for 5G pollution

Given the fears and possible repercussions of implementing this new generation of telecommunications in terms of EMF pollution, we tell you how our technology can solve it 5G is here to stay and completely change the way we communicate: it will multiply the capacity of our information highways and will enable everyday objects to connect (with […]

Can Cats actually feel EMFs?

For some years now, it has been claimed that cats could sense electromagnetic fields (EMFs), based on current and some previous studies Within the last two decades, internet, telecommunications, and wireless technologies have become an essential part of our lives. We are all, including our pets and entire ecosystems, immersed in an ocean of electromagnetic […]

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